Movement Is Life And Important At Every Age

Spinal Nerve And Organ Chart

2020 challenged families on an entirely new level. I have had some of my most humbling moments as a mom and thankfully a couple triumphant ones too. I have become more aware of my short-comings in trying to do home-schooling while balancing work and the stress of last year. I lost my patience more than I want to admit, but it has pushed me (and my kids hopefully) to grow, build resilience and our capacity to handle stress. 2020 impacted all of us to varying degrees, but now we get to decide how we are going to apply what we learned to this coming new year.

One message I am committed to sharing is that our kids need chiropractic and wellness care too!

Kids are naturally resilient, so when they fall they usually get up. When they have a bad day, they can usually push past it. When they get sick, they can usually fight it. However the stress of so many changes as well as the postural stress of sitting on screens so much really impacts the vitality of our kiddos (big or small) just like it does us.

Why Do Children Benefit from Chiropractic Care?

The answer is simple: they have developing spines and nervous systems that are affected by all the big and little stresses of life, including birth, learning to walk, and home-schooling. Chiropractic addresses proper alignment and mobility that will optimize their growing bodies.

The Nervous System Plays a Role in Everything 

The central nervous system consists of the brain and spinal cord. The spinal nerves exit from the cord and connect to every organ, gland, tissue and cell of the body. Chiropractic adjustments help reduce the interference to the nervous system’s ability to perform optimally. Since the nervous system plays a part in all functions of the body – including the immune system- chiropractic care can have a positive impact on many things. Some signs and symptoms that your child may benefit from an evaluation and adjustment are: Constipation Ear infections/Colds Colic Bed-wetting Trouble Sleeping or Focusing Digestive Issues Postural Distortions (hunched back, forward neck or when one shoulder is higher than the other) As a pediatric trained chiropractor, I love when parents report a change in their child’s symptoms. It is fun to see what the body can do with a little help. However, it is not my intention to treat a specific disease or condition. Quite the opposite. My goal is always to boost a child’s ability to heal from within.

Baby Asa Getting Back Adjusted

Here is Baby Asa getting adjusted with a gentle vibration instrument that kids love. It has changed tummy time from something he hated to something he is totally rocking. It also helped his digestion: Bonus!

Child Getting Back Adjusted

See our winter newsletter! From patient stories, recommended diets, stress management, and even our seasonal favorite Paleo meal and how to make it!

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